How to properly create a Support 'New Work Item' in Azure Devops
Keep the title short, clear, and concise. The description box is for the complete details of the issue, this information should not be in the title.
The first word should indicate what area the ticket is associated to (this should be the same as the selection in the Area drop down menu), followed by a short description that reflects the main topic of the ticket.
Assign to:
Make sure the ticket is assigned to someone in the correct team.
Select the fully qualified area path, Support Team, and selecting the sub area- 3rd Party API, Admin, Consumer, Courier, Dispatcher, Driver, Onfleet, Pharmacy or Pricing.
*Both areas should always be selected: the team and the area.
Every new support ticket should be in the backlog, unless it has a high priority. The "iteration" is the two week milestone in which we are currently working.
They look as such-
Make sure the iteration dates correspond with the date you are entering the ticket.
If it is a low priority, you should add it to the iteration that says "MedZoomer" and it will be addressed in succession of the other tickets.
The description box should hold the necessary information, in enough detail, for the team to know clearly what the issue or task is. Make sure it is clear enough that anybody reading the ticket would be able to understand the general idea.
Every description should have something, do not leave it blank, even if you know what the ticket is and assume you will be the one working closely on it.
Add photos as necessary.
Repro Steps:
In the 'Repro Steps' box, briefly describe the issue and add steps for how this issue is reproduced, and what the user did to run into this error.
Explain in as much detail as possible, use photos as necessary, and any information that would be useful for replicating the issue. The more information the team has the better they can assist in fixing the problem and knowing the root cause.
System Info:
Please indicate what system you are on, such as the browser and system you are using
This section should not be skipped.
Identify the 'Priority' of the ticket so that the level of importance is known.
Identify the 'Severity' as critical, high, medium, or low.
Please select the link below to see how to properly choose each level.
How to Determine Priority and Severity of a Support Request
There is an option to attach files on the right side above 'Deployment' and below the 'Save' option. Here you can add a link or an attachment that is useful to the ticket item.
Once the previous steps have been completed correctly you may submit the ticket.
Doing all of these steps correctly and thoroughly will ensure that the quality of the ticket matches the organization we strive for, so please take this into account when creating new items and do your best to create a ticket that will aid in the process.